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Dragon Boat Canada 2005 Central Region Race-Offs
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2005 Central Region Race-Offs
July 16 & 17, 2005
Sudbury, Ontario
Present Format:
Click here for listingUpdated: June 1, 2005
Saturday, July 16:
500 m Race-Offs
Teams have an opportunity to compete in the Sudbury Dragon Boat Festival at the same time.
Sunday, July 17:
250 m Race-Offs
2000 m Races
Depending on the total number of entries, it is possible that the 250 m race-offs can be included with Saturday’s events.
Eligible Teams:
These race-offs are to determine entries for the 2006 CCWC’s.
Teams can only participate in the Sudbury Race-Off spot for 2006 if they have already participated in one sanctioned sport regatta – teams that do not will not qualify in the race-off pool in Sudbury. At this time, Pickering Dragon Boat Festival (June 4), Lachine Knockout Challenge (June 11) and GWN Sport Regatta (held in Welland on June 18) are DBC sanctioned sport regattas. Teams may use Sudbury as a sanctioned sport regatta to qualify for NACC’s race-off pool but cannot use it for both purposes.
Click here to be re-directed to Dragon Boat Canada’s 2006 CCWC Crew Qualification Update (dated May 2, 2005) for further information.
Teams and paddlers must be members of Dragon Boat Canada (Sport Crew and Associate Memberships). Click here to be re-directed to DBC’s Membership page for further information and downloadable forms.
Racing Classes:
Premier Open
Premier Women
Premier Mixed
Senior Open
Senior Women
Senior Mixed
Junior Open
Junior Women
Junior Mixed
Winning teams are determined based on accumulated / combined points from races in 500 and 250 m distances. If only 1 team is registered in a class, that team will automatically be “sanctioned” to enter the CCWC’s.
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4 Points .
2 Points
1 Point
$30.00 / paddler
$10.00 / paddler / racing class – additional fee for multiple racing class competition
How To Enter:
Download (by clicking hilighted words) Registration Form and Roster. Forward completed forms with payment to the Sudbury Dragon Boat Festival office.
Accepted forms of payment: Cheque, Money Order or Cash
June 1, 2005
July 16, 2005
Registration deadline
Registered team check-in between 5:00 – 7:00 PM (prior to Festival’s Opening Ceremonies)
Accommodation Information:
Special rate of $89.99 plus tax for double room has been arranged. The hotel is less than 5 minutes from our venue.
Address: 390 Elgin Street South, Sudbury, Ontario
Phone: (705) 675-1273 or toll free at (800) 461-1120
Instructions: When reserving rooms, mention the Sudbury Dragon Boat Festival and your team name in order to receive the special rate. Note: this rate is for TEAMS ONLY.
Special rates of $22.00 (+ 5% PST)/person for Single or Double Room.
Notes: Per person rate includes one (1) nights accommodation; Single or Double room; University College Residence; Linens and Towels Provided; Kitchen area and television lounge per floor; Male and female washroom facilities w/showers located on alternate floors; 24-hour porter service; Access to additional in-residence lounges, Games Room and meeting areas.
- Please reserve rooms at least one week in advance to ensure availability.
The residence is less than 5 minutes from the venue.
Address: 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario
Contact: Tracey @ Revolve at (705) 673-6998 or [email protected].
Instructions: When reserving rooms, mention the Sudbury Dragon Boat Festival and your team name in order to receive the special rate.